Thrawns Staff Application

=28pxStaff Application Template
Your RP (In-Game) Name: Grand Admiral Thrawn 

Your Steam name: CMOORE

Your SteamID:  11000013ec4d216

Where are you from (country)?: America

What is your current Time Zone? EST

How old are you?: 15, 16 in a month

Have you ever been an administrator/position of rank on our/another server?: I have been admin on plenty of servers.

What is your playtime on the Server? : 20 Hours/week.

Why should we pick you for Staff (minimum 250 words)?: I want to assist the server in the best way possible. I want to make more fun for the server to have by also becoming a game master. It is a good way for me to get the community bonding and Growing the community.  I know the rules and how to use basic and advanced GMOD Functions. I know how to dev a server.  I know how to run a server and keep it in a sturdy position.  I have quite a few friends in this community and would love to make more, I want to show my dedication by becoming more in the server I am constantly being told I keep naval in a greet fun position and would love to supply my knowledge to the staff team. For example, I know to always talk to someone in the admin room or on top of a ship if they have broken a rule. I know how to deescalate a situation the fastest way possible. I am a quick thinker and a reliable member to have on the staff team. I have a lot of resources for the community as I have previously stated. I know all of gmods tools like Toolgun, physics Gun, Gravity gun. I Can keep a sturdy but lenient tone on occasions that require that sort of behavior. I understand That rules are to be followed at all times and just because I am a staff member still leaves me open for punishments I am not voided from them.

Have you ever been Kicked or Banned on our Server(If so, why)?: No

Do you have a Microphone?: Yes

How many hours can you be on a week?: 20

Can you do anything else for the Neon Community?: Help the community grow my bringing my knowledge and skills.

Do you meet all the requirements? Yes

Other information you would like to tell us(Optional)?:
+1: Seen him around the server and would make a great addition to the team!
+1 I have seen him doing things like interacting and also being helpful I think he deserves a chance at staff.
Congratulations Please Contact Reaper to conduct an interview!